Sunday, May 15, 2016

Reflection on Chapter 1 Concepts

My EME 2040 Blog:

Digital Blog Post #A - Chapter 1

       First, I was very excited to dig into Chapter 1 and really understand the use of Technology within a classroom. The concept that grabbed my attention as soon as I opened the text book was the Technology-based teaching environment and tools. This really helped put a lot of information about becoming a 21st Century teacher in perspective. I agree with the text book on the fact that technology allows the students to express themselves and give them the confidence they may need (Maloy, et al, 2013, pp. 8-9). I know for one, that personally I still get nervous standing up in front of a crowd and giving a strong presentation. The outlet of an iPad (especially for ESE students who are them the aid of technology for instruction or communication to become successful in the classroom.), blogs (i.e. this assignment), as well as, videos is very beneficial in our society today. For example, my mom happens to be a kindergarten teacher and this year she has the ESE inclusion class. One of her students has Dandy Walker Syndrome. He recently started using an iPad for communication. It has increased his ability to participate and join in with class discussions. Even though he is in the beginning stages of learning the devise he is catching on quickly. We are all interested to see how far these programs will take him! It is more of a relaxed situation. However, does there come a time where students are using too much of the technological devises? Also, how can we as educators balance the time of hands on teaching and the use of technology within the classroom? Just a few things to ponder as we continue learning about this subject.

       Second, the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, also known as the TPACK. I would say that the saying " You learn something new everyday" is oh so true! I enjoyed the fact that this concept uses 3 different methods (Content knowledge, Pedagogical knowledge, and Technological knowledge) to create a teaching technique that allows students to really go in depth and challenge their minds through creativity. One thing that I know I look forward to is the Web 2.0 tools (blogs (this is my first one, huge learning experience), wikis, social networking (I somewhat know how to do this...Facebook and instagram), and etc.). I love being on the experimental side of life and learning the best way on becoming a model 21st century teacher. 

      Third, Digital Identity, what does this really mean? I found this concept extremely interesting. The reason being is the fact that the authors mentioned the innovation and change within a persons profession (Maloy, et al, 2013, p. 13). I am currently in my second year working as a paraprofessional and I have noticed a vast difference between the younger teachers and older teachers. With the younger teachers, most have practically grown up with the use of technology. So I've taken note that they are able to revamp their way of teaching through technology quicker (i.e. smart exchange/interactive lessons on the smart board and use of videos.) versus some of the older teachers who are more inept and stuck in their own ways (sticking to the basics...white board with dry erase, power point slide shows, and etc.). I look forward in seeing where this class takes me and the expansion of my knowledge on interactive technological learning. The video clip below hopefully will give you more insight on what this topic is about.

    In conclusion, technology has become an immense part of our society. There are more reasons than I can count, that lead me to believe that the application of technology within our schools is beneficial. It really allows more freedom to be expressive and yourself while still maintaining a quality level of education. Not only do teachers become skilled and effective, but students will be able to become more established in their ways of learning. 


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

CI Keys (2015, June 25) What is a Digital Identity?. Retrieved May 15, 2015, from 

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